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Passage DEM - Discrete Element Method

Technalysis' CAE Expertise in Water Pump and Other Fluid Flowing Equipment Design

PASSAGE® software is a proven predictor of flow performance in pumps and other fluid moving equipment.  The method used for water pump design focuses on analyzing the impeller and impeller housing and matching their combined performance.  The results from flow models are evaluated to determine the impact of pump geometry on performance, flow capacity, and cavitations. 

The flow characteristics of the housing are evaluated by analyzing velocity and pressure distribution inside the housing and the flow behavior around the tongue area (cut off).  The major design parameters studied include pressure gain of the housing, areas where losses are occurring, the effectiveness of the tongue design, circulation inside the housing, and flow distribution at the housing exit.  The combined performance of the impeller and the housing are matched to optimize the performance of both components. Technalysis furnishes design services to meet the objectives of your next pump requirement by:
  • Evaluating current water pump performance  
  • Establishing impeller and housing changes for performance improvement:
  1. increased water pump capacity  
  2. improved water pump efficiency
  3. elimination of cavitations



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Custom Software

Technalysis offers software customizations of all Passage Software to meet specific customer needs. Contact Technalysis to discuss your needs.
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Passage®/ DEM+FLOW Software

Example: Fluidized Bed Granulation of Tablets
Flow Model - Air Velocity
DEM Model Particles
Example: Mixing of Powders
DEM Model
FLOW Model
Example: Printing of Toners- Development Process (sample pictures)
Toner Voltage
Print pattern
Passge DEM Toner Voltage

Passage Discerete Element Modeling (DEM) Print Pattern


Passage Licensing Options:

Technalysis offers various licensing options and support to fit your needs and budget. Contact us to discuss your needs. E-mail or call 317-291-1985

Technalysis® Engineering and Passage® CFD Software since 1985
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