- CFD Software & Engineering Since 1985 Technalysis email search www.technalysis.com
Discrete element method software

Technalysis, Inc.

Founded in 1985 in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

Technalysis, Inc. is an engineering consulting and software development company specializing in numerical solutions for complex problems involving fluids, materials and manufacturing processes. The company developed PASSAGE family of programs for analysis of flow and heat transfer problems.

Technalysis licenses PASSAGE® software products and uses them for consulting projects. Since incorporation in 1985, Technalysis mission has been to provide packaged and customized CFD software, software consulting, and engineering consulting in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and materials for product/process modeling and design.
Technalysis Engineering and Software    

A Typical Project


The current product or process design is modeled. Analysis results are correlated with available experimental data. Analysis results are presented and explained. 

Significant design parameters are identified. Design recommendations are made.

The recommendations of Phase I are implemented into the model and the analysis is repeated.

From the analysis iterations a final design is provided for follow-on building and testing by the client.

Technology is transferred to customer via software and training.


Passage®/ DEM+FLOW Software

Example: Fluidized Bed Granulation of Tablets
Flow Model - Air Velocity
DEM Model Particles
Example: Mixing of Powders
DEM Model
FLOW Model
Example: Printing of Toners- Development Process (sample pictures)
Toner Voltage
Print pattern
Passge DEM Toner Voltage

Passage Discerete Element Modeling (DEM) Print Pattern


Passage Licensing Options:

Technalysis offers various licensing options and support to fit your needs and budget. Contact us to discuss your needs. E-mail or call 317-291-1985

Technalysis® Engineering and Passage® CFD Software since 1985
Copyright © 1985 - 2019 Technalysis, Inc. All Rights Reserved.