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Passage DEM coupled with 3D Flow

CAE Expertise in Appliance, Equipment and Tools Industry

Technalysis has been providing advanced  CAE technology to the appliance industry and its suppliers.

Technalysis can fully support or compliment client engineering capabilities on problems related to flow, heat transfer, noise, vibration, stress, electromagnetic and materials processing in product design and manufacturing.

Specific experience areas includes system and component analysis and design improvement of the following equipment and its components:

  • Copiers
  • Dishwashers
  • Hand tools
  • Ovens and ranges
  • Printers
  • Refrigerators
  • Vacuum cleaners


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Advantages of using Passage 3D FLOW with 1D SYSFLOW

Simultaneous use of PASSAGE: 3D FLOW and 1D SYSFLOW software provides a practical tool for solving complex flow and heat transfer problems. This capability allows modeling of complex systems followed by detailed analysis of sub-systems and components. Design process start with developing the overall concept, detailing its components and ensuring that the overall performance and efficiency targets are met. Using PASSAGE: SYSFLOW one can develop an initial concept, perform sensitivity analysis to determine its critical components and set directions and further development. One can then proceed with detailed design using PASSAGE: FLOW at the same time refining SYSFLOW models and testing prototypes.
fan design

Passage Licensing Options:

Technalysis offers various licensing options and support to fit your needs and budget. Contact us to discuss your needs. E-mail or call 317-291-1985
Technalysis® Engineering and Passage® CFD Software since 1985
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