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Passage DEM coupled with 3D Flow

Technalysis' Multiphase CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) Capabilities

Technalysis' multi-phase CFD capabilities can be divided into three prominent categories:

  1. System flow modeling
  2. Continuum flow modeling
  3. Discrete flow modeling

System flow modeling:

One Dimensional two-phase flow and heat transfer analysis.


  • Flow rate and pressure distribution
  • Phase change
  • Heat transfer with ambient
  • Coupled with air flow analysis inside the refrigerator

Application areas:

  • Refrigerant system analysis in refrigerator, air conditioning, etc.

Continuum flow modeling:

Three dimensional flow, heat transfer, concentration analysis


  • Level-set method to track interface between phases
  • Concentration analysis for mixing of phases
  • Phase change
  • Space charge behavior
  • Particle tracking


Application areas:

  • Casting, solidification, melting, condensation, evaporation, free surface
  • Mixture of gas/liquid, liquid/liquid
  • Binary mixing
  • Developer charge and mixing

Discrete flow modeling:

Three dimensional flows of particles under different forces.


  • Internal contact
  • Electrostatic, Magnetic and Gravitational forces
  • Varied particle size and shape
  • Charge and temperature analysis

Application areas:

  • Bulk material handling process and equipment design
  • Pharmaceutical tablet coating
  • Mixing of pharmaceutical molecule with binder
  • Charging of toner

Combination of Continuum and Discrete flow modeling:

Coupled three dimensional continuum flow and discrete flow analysis.


  • Transfer of mass, momentum and heat between fluid and particles
  • Inter-particle and fluid-particle interactions

Application areas:

  • Vacuum frying of food
  • Fluidized bed
  • Sedimentation
  • Condensation/Evaporation of water droplet
  • Bubble/Droplet mixing with fluid
  • Emulsion

Related Software

Passage Flow Modeling - multiphase cfd Passage Sysflow system modeling Passage DEM -Discrete flow modeling - multi phase
Passage Flow  Passage Sysflow Passage DEM
Contact Technalysis to learn more about Technalysis® Engineering multi-phase computational fluid dynamics capabilities.

Passage®/ DEM+FLOW Software

Example: Fluidized Bed Granulation of Tablets
Flow Model - Air Velocity
DEM Model Particles
Example: Mixing of Powders
DEM Model
FLOW Model
Example: Printing of Toners- Development Process (sample pictures)
Toner Voltage
Print pattern
Passge DEM Toner Voltage

Passage Discerete Element Modeling (DEM) Print Pattern


Passage Licensing Options:

Technalysis offers various licensing options and support to fit your needs and budget. Contact us to discuss your needs. E-mail or call 317-291-1985

Technalysis® Engineering and Passage® CFD Software since 1985
Copyright © 1985 - 2019 Technalysis, Inc. All Rights Reserved.