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Passage DEM Software

Implementation of Simulation Technologies to Design in Printing
Akin ECER* and Vladimir RUBEK*
(Received Sep. 10, 2013)
Journal of the Imaging Society of Japan Vol. 52 No. 6

Simulation of printing processes involves modeling of complex processes and materials. It has to be accurate and provide results in a timely fashion. Detailed modeling of printer components and the target of modeling entire printing process are discussed. Technalysis modeling activities towards this goal is summarized. Several case studies are presented describing approaches taken. Development of continuum, particle models, their coupling and analysis of the overall system are emphasized. Close cooperation between test and simulation is referenced both for determining material properties and for validating simulation models. Testing and simulation have to be used concurrently to reduce time to design and improve quality. Recent activities have been centered around strong coupling of particle and flow problems.

Keywords : Simulation, Component design, Model validation, System design
1. Introduction

Although simulation techniques have been investigated for several years by researchers, implementation of these techniques to design of printers still remains to be improved. Design of a printer requires intimate knowledge of the details as well as overall understanding of the system performance. Design process relying on testing can be tedious and time consuming. Simulation can provide insight to difficult problems which cannot be measured in detail and may provide faster answers. Yet, we are still far away from providing a complete simulation model for a printer. For developing models of printing processes, two major issues appear : accurate representation of material modeling and the efficiency of computational effort required to obtain desired accuracy. Material is complex and many different physics problems need to be solved. A brute force approach to compute some of these problems is not practical with existing supercomputers. Besides developing these methods, developing strategies to implement them into design process also requires considerable effort. From the designer's point of view, again there are two main concerns : accuracy and time required to get meaningful results. We comment on the information which can be obtained from these models.

In this paper, we review some of Technalysis development activities and efforts in providing simulation tools which can be used by the designers. We give several examples addressing solution of different problems where simulation can be utilized....

Passage®/ DEM+FLOW Software

Example: Fluidized Bed Granulation of Tablets
Flow Model - Air Velocity
DEM Model Particles
Example: Mixing of Powders
DEM Model
FLOW Model
Example: Printing of Toners- Development Process (sample pictures)
Toner Voltage
Print pattern
Passge DEM Toner Voltage

Passage Discerete Element Modeling (DEM) Print Pattern


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